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    Thursday, March 4, 2021

    Xbox 360 - After 7 years I finally completed Forza Horizon 1. Absolutely cried my eyes out.

    Xbox 360 - After 7 years I finally completed Forza Horizon 1. Absolutely cried my eyes out.

    After 7 years I finally completed Forza Horizon 1. Absolutely cried my eyes out.

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 03:08 PM PST

    Anyone else collect faceplates?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 11:40 AM PST

    Not much but it's my childhood (swipe for the best game)

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 10:09 AM PST

    Logging on to Xbox LIVE for the first time was THE most exciting moment of my life.

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 04:04 PM PST

    Before that I had no one to play Xbox 360 with, and there was nothing else to do but play Xbox 360. I would play singleplayer of Gears2 and Left 4 Dead over and over. The two flagship multiplayer titles and I was stuck without internet.

    Then in summer 2009, the summer after my freshman year of highschool. (The toughest and worst time of my whole life.) A relative kindly set up a router in my house and helped me get everything to I could play online. (Why this person did all of this I still don't know. Perhaps that person felt bad my dad had internet on his PC and I had no internet for my Xbox 360.) The router, the Gold membership card, and the antenna you had to have for older models.

    After that relative left my house I was SCREAMING with excitement about being able to get on Xbox LIVE. I still had the blades dashboard until summer 2009 even though the NXE update was in November 2008. And after much research and reading about the update I was finally able to experience it.

    I made my first Xbox 360 avatar and then I did something I had only ever imagined about, I booted up Gears2 and at the menu screen I selected "multiplayer". When the icons read "searching..." instead of "bot" like before when I would play I was giggling with excitement. Then I see a lobby of other gamers! I was finally not alone with my Xbox 360! Then the match stared! I was screaming some more with excitement. (I was alone in the house.)

    I played Gears2 all day that day. It would be a game I would spend all day of many days playing.

    I did not play Left 4 Dead at first because I was CONVINCED I had to have a 360 headset to communicate. It was not until a family friend told me I can still play without one that I then played it. (lol).

    Goddamn, is Left 4 Dead a good game. But it is EFFECTIVELY a multiplayer-only game. And I had been stuck with no internet. Now, it was like my 360 and games had been unlocked.

    No more being stuck at home wishing I could be at a relatives house where they have internet and cable. No more house spent drooling at gameplay footage on YouTube. Many nights were spent with me in my room with only light being my CRTV with my eyes glued to it. Like that scene in Matilda with the gameshow on the TV. It was like being able to log on to in the OASIS from Ready Player One (book, not movie) after only ever playing on the Atari 2600.

    Summer 2009 was one helluva time to join Xbox LIVE. Battlefield 1943 had just released. And on the way later that year would be Left 4 Dead 2 and Modern Warfare 2.

    It was perhaps few months after I started Xbox LIVE that there was some internet connection problem and I asked my dad if I could restart the router. It was next to the computer my dad using and he was using the internet, he probably thought I was just being pointlessly being annoying. He then had the gall to ask me in a serious, straight-faced, condescending tone "how did you connect before you got the router?"

    TLDR Only had singleplayer xbox games. Playing them for the first time for multiplayer after thinking I'd never be able to was mindblowingly exciting!

    submitted by /u/AGuyFromSomewher3
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    Trying out an old legend. So I had gotten the last version of the Xbox 360 SmartGlass app, and for the heck of it tried to connect it. It seems to work still, even going so far as to sign me in, but then sticks here. I'm wondering if anyone else had this problem to and remember how they fixed it?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 02:33 PM PST

    My collection of xbox360 games. Suggest any hidden gems or underrated games to add or any good games?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 10:14 AM PST

    So I tried getting the scratches off my xbox. How did I do?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 09:38 PM PST

    got the red ring with the e82 judging by the noise do y’all think it’s the fan ?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 04:13 PM PST

    Does anyone know what to do in this situation. Is this fatal to my console

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 12:29 PM PST

    Please Help, XBox360 refuses to run XBox360 disk

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 07:13 PM PST

    My mother owns an XBox360, recently cleaned it up and decided to return to Fallout 3.

    Upon setup and inserting the disk she's getting an error that says "Please Insert this disk into an XBox360"

    I've had no luck with Google, I'm turning to you folks.

    submitted by /u/AyaJeanneBeck
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    My collection is kinda lame honestly I don’t often buy games

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 04:19 AM PST

    xbox 360 slim fan and heating

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 09:03 PM PST

    cleaned about 7 years worth of dust out of my 360 slim the other day and the fan is still very loud and the system gets very warm almost hot while running any game. Is anyone else's 360 fans very loud and do they get warm/hot or may i have caused damage to the system while i was cleaning it. Please let me know, getting worried I might have broken something.

    submitted by /u/SnooPineapples4073
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    Is Xbox 360 Region Free? What's the Deal with 360 Region Coding?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 10:27 AM PST

    I have an NTSC Xbox 360 E (I know, worst model) and I've recently obtained an NTSC-J copy of Dead Space and Halo CE (OG Xbox). My 360 E booted the NTSC-J copy of Dead Space but refused to boot NTSC-J Halo CE through emulation.

    I had always thought the 360 was region locked, I'm not shocked it didn't boot Halo but why did it boot Dead Space?

    Is the Xbox 360 region free with 360 titles? Does it work like the PS3 where it is region free with its own titles but backwards compatibility is locked to the console's region? What is the extent you can import games for the 360?

    My 360 E is factory stock, no changes have been made to it.

    submitted by /u/theCECHA-01
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    The only way XBLIGs is on the Xbox 360. It’s the reason I still hold onto my 360.

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 06:37 AM PST

    What can fit in the crappy E 4gb hard drive?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 12:52 PM PST

    Best Xbox360 Games?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 11:40 PM PST

    I'm looking to pick up some new Xbox 360 games/series to play through, any kind that's fun and worth the money!

    I've ever only played Minecraft, halo, and call of duty on my Xbox 360 so I'm looking for basically anything! What's your suggestion / favorite series or game?

    submitted by /u/4thNorwegian
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    ESPN NFL 2k5 fair sliders?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 11:55 PM PST

    Anyone have ESPN NFL 2k5 sliders to make the game fair

    submitted by /u/coconutpower6529
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    Does the charge and play kit make it so you can use your controller with pc because I tried with two different controllers and it didn't do anything for both of them

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 10:49 PM PST

    This is the only sub I know of that would have the answer to this

    submitted by /u/ascendance22
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    I use to have this very old 360 account called fearfulrex69 I miss playing cod on that account and terraria good old days.

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 10:12 PM PST

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