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    Saturday, November 7, 2020

    Xbox One - Game time boys!

    Xbox One - Game time boys!

    Game time boys!

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 04:22 PM PST

    Mass Effect Legendary Edition – Official Teaser

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 08:14 AM PST

    Xbox Support "If you get your console early you are free to use it! Just expect multiple updates!"

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 06:27 PM PST

    Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War accused of becoming a "Play on PlayStation to win game" after latest Sony exclusives revealed

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 08:36 AM PST

    Blue Series X Controllers for sale at Walmart, despite not releasing until November 10.

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 12:46 PM PST

    Randomly found this at Target today. The stand says Series X on it so it must be new.

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 01:50 PM PST

    Hey Xbox Team : The co-produced Deep Dive Video into Assassins Creed Valhalla led by the developer yesterday should be the standard for all the xbox releases going forward. It helps sell the game and highlights all the neat features its bringing. Dont stop doing it.

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 09:41 AM PST

    This is the one area that the competition excells at when it comes to their releases and generates a lot of hype and interest in the games. Hopefully this is not a one off thing and we see it more going forward with releases like Halo, Fable and the other 1st party stuff.

    submitted by /u/javycane
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    Xbox Series S game sizes are looking promising

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 05:29 PM PST

    Why isn’t this gem backwards compatible?

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 05:15 PM PST

    The saga started 14 years ago

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 02:07 PM PST

    Several Japan-based game developers have said to Bloomberg that Microsoft has approached them about buying their businesses.

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 04:42 PM PST

    Upgraded yesterday.

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 08:20 PM PST

    Mass Effect Legendary Edition arrives Spring 2021

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 08:00 AM PST

    cleaning an Xbox (it's not that hard to open)

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 06:34 AM PST

    100,000 and 1

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 06:01 PM PST

    On your marks. Get set. GO!

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 02:55 PM PST

    One can only dream...

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 09:50 AM PST

    Xbox Series X is so fast, it could save you over 20 days of loading over the next generation!

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 04:57 AM PST

    Well... didn't expect my trigger switch to be the first thing to break on my series 2... (Left circle)

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 06:27 PM PST

    LG 2017-2020 OLEDs - ULTIMATE Calibrated Settings for Xbox One/Series X|S / PS4 / PS5 (SDR/HDR/DV) - V9

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 05:43 AM PST

    As a direct follow-up to the original post (now Outdated), I would like to share my ULTIMATE set of professionally Calibrated Settings for all LG 2017-2020 OLEDs and Xbox One/Series X|S / PS4 / PS5 gaming, with the best PQ and lowest Input-Lag results possible (21ms to 13ms), including Dolby Vision and webOS in-built Apps calibration.

    These are actual meter based calibration settings using a certified Spectracal C6 meter, Murideo 6G pattern generator, and CalMan for Biz + disc based + direct feedback with both games, tv shows and movies gathered in 3+ years of usage.

    Yeah, I know, "real calibration cannot be copy/pasted from TV to TV as they're all different" , but tested LG OLED variance between models is much lower then average, and even within a 3% variance you will still experience a much more accurate image compared to default presets, plus CMS and WB advanced options weren't touched, so you're not risking of dialing in wrong values.

    There are 6 Profiles to independently 1-time-Calibrate for each source/content combination, and then forget about it.

    In order to do it, just change the video source to the one you want to calibrate (for example: webOS Netflix app, or to HDMI1 connected to Xbox One X / PS4 Pro) and then load up the type of video content you want to calibrate (for example: launch an SDR Game, or an HDR Game, or a Dolby Vision movie).

    Once you're ready, apply those Calibration Presets (you can also print them for convenience):

    • Xbox One/Series X|S / PS4 / PS5 + SDR Calibrated Settings (Recommended) - Note: try to launch any SDR content to start calibrating, for example just stay in the Dashboard Home. All Xbox SDR contents will share the calibration;

    • Xbox One/Series X|S / PS4 / PS5 + HDR Calibrated Settings (Recommended) - Note: Try to launch any HDR content to start calibrating, for example just open "Insects" Demo or any other HDR game. All Xbox HDR contents will share the calibration

    • Xbox One/Series X|S + Dolby Vision Calibrated Settings (Recommended) - Note: try to launch any Dolby Vision content to start calibrating, for example just open Netflix app and launch a DV movie. All Xbox One Dolby Vision contents will share the calibration;

    • webOS + SDR Calibrated Settings (Recommended) - Note: try to launch any SDR content to start calibrating, for example just open Netflix app from your LG remote. All webOS SDR contents will share the calibration;

    • webOS + HDR Calibrated Settings (Recommended) - Note: try to launch any HDR content to start calibrating, for example just open YouTube app from your LG remote, and search for any HDR videos. All webOS HDR contents will share the calibration;

    • webOS + Dolby Vision Calibrated Settings (Recommended) - Note: try to launch any Dolby Vision content to start calibrating, for example open Netflix app from your LG remote, and start playing "Altered Carbon" show. All webOS Dolby Vision contents will share the calibration.;

    For reference, this was HDR Game preset pre-calibration results (on an LG 55B7V): https://i.imgur.com/WFwumTw.jpg

    This is HDR Game preset results after calibration (same LG 55B7V): https://i.imgur.com/OR3PQuc.jpg

    While this is HDR Cinema preset after calibration (same LG 55B7V): https://i.imgur.com/hoZIOgQ.jpg

    These settings are tailor made and compatible with ALL 2017 LG OLEDs variants (e.g. LG B7, C7, E7 etc), but you can also try it for 2018, 2019 and 2020 (X) line-up .

    If you have a 2018-2020 LG OLED you can start from the presets above and then apply the following changes:

    • ALL HDR PRESETS: Dynamic Contrast: OFF; Dynamic Tone Mapping: ON (no HGIG);

    • HDR Game: Brightness 50, Color: 55, Color Temp: W50 (or Warm 2);

    • DOLBY VISION: manually copy all your default DV Cinema settings to DV Game preset + change Brightness to 49, Color Temp W50 (or Warm 2), Noise Reduction: OFF, TruMotion: OFF. Then use DV Game preset not only on Xbox One X|S and Series X|S, but also for everything Dolby Vision including Movies and TV Shows (also in other inputs like webOS);

    • Manually select 4K Resolution and 120hz Refresh Rate from Xbox Video Settings; (2019/2020 Series only)

    • UNCHECK 4:2:2 from Xbox Advanced Video Settings. (2019/2020 Series only)

    Now you're ready to enjoy the best visual quality out of your LG OLED (2017 to 2020 series) and your gaming console, while also being 100% ready for Next-Gen. :)

    Let me know what you think!



    NOTE: Don't forget to also adjust HDR "Sliders" both from your console's video settings (HDR Calibration app) and in game settings if available. Usually, for these TVs, you need to "increase" the level of Max HDR Brightness/Luminance "Slider" to make the game logo/icon totally disappear in a white background, or set it to a numerical number around 4.000 nits + set Paper White around 250 nits . This is the reason why, even with both the console and the TVs properly calibrated, some games may look "dark" or "washed out" if this setting is left to default.

    You can also find below a list of:


    For Option 1b:

    • AC Origins: 4.000 nits HDR Luminance, 200 Paper White, Brightness 1 tick left compared to Default

    • AC Odyssey: 4.000 nits HDR Luminance, 200 Paper White, Brightness at middle (Default)

    • Battlefield 1: Brightness at 50% (Default), 4.000 nits HDR Luminance

    • Battlefield V: Brightness at 50% (Default), 2.000 nits HDR Luminance (Max)

    • Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: HDR Brightness: 1.000 / HDR Black Point: 0.03 / HDR White Point: 0.90;

    • Forza Horizon 3: Brightness 50 (Default), HDR Luminance slider to the Max

    • Forza Horizon 4: 4.000 nits HDR Luminance, Brightness 50 (Default)

    • Forza Motorsport 7: Brightness 50 (Default), HDR slider to the Max

    • Halo: MCC: HDR Luminance 1.000, Paper White 2, Contrast 5

    • Hellblade: Gamma raised 2 tick right

    • Gears of War 4: Brightness at Default, HDR Luminance 8 ticks from left to right

    • Gears 5: Contrast 50 (Default), Brightness 140 (Default), HDR Brightness 4.000

    • Red Dead Redemption 2: HDR Style: Game; Luminance: 4.000; White point: 200

    • Resident Evil 7: HDR Luminance 2.000 nits (its Max), HDR Brightness 320

    • Rise of the Tomb Raider: Brightness to the Middle (Default) and HDR Luminance to the Max

    • Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Video Mode: Resolution (for Native 4K), HDR: On, Brightness: Maxed to the right; HDR Luminance slider: Maxed to the right.

    submitted by /u/P40L0
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    Xbox Series X is now only 3 days away! And so is a Hurricane...

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 06:43 AM PST

    Thank you Hurricane Eta for deciding to arrive Tuesday. Rip to everyone including myself in south Florida who won't be getting their consoles Tuesday. Stay safe everyone!

    submitted by /u/Barnacle_Battlefront
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    Target offering 3 months Game Pass Ultimate for the price of 2, max of 9 months for the price of 6

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 09:16 AM PST

    Bloomberg: Japan has been sidelined in Sony's PS5 marketing plans; Microsoft seeking acquisitions in Japan

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 04:46 PM PST

    Deemphasis of Japan

    A senior figure inside PlayStation headquarters in San Mateo, California, said the U.S. side was frustrated by the failure of the Japan marketing team to sell as many PlayStation 4 units as expected. The person asked not to be identified discussing internal matters.
    As a result, Japan has been sidelined in planning the PlayStation 5's promotion, according to several PlayStation staff in Japan. Employees in Tokyo said they've been left awaiting instructions from California.
    Japan-based developer support teams have been reduced by as much as a third from their peak, and the rolling contracts of a number of game creators at PlayStation's Japan Studio, one of the unit's oldest in-house software ateliers, haven't been renewed, former employees said. The U.S. office believes the PlayStation business doesn't need games that only do well in Japan, employees in the California headquarters said.

    The PlayStation 5's two main online promotional events both took place at 5 a.m. in Tokyo -- making them more accessible to American and European fans -- and lacked Japanese translation for some parts. The company also decided to standardize its PS5 control scheme so that Japanese players would have to use X to confirm and O to cancel, like the rest of the world. That reverses a 26-year tradition in a country where circles signify positives and crosses mark negatives.
    Local retailers said they haven't received many more first-batch PlayStation 5 units than they did of the PlayStation 3, which had a limited initial production run.

    Microsoft smells opportunity, murmurs of acquisitions

    But Microsoft, which is launching its next-generation consoles in Japan on Tuesday, the same day it does so in the rest of the world, sees an opportunity in the country's market. Microsoft didn't start selling the Xbox One in Japan until almost a year after the U.S., which contributed to its disappointing sales in the Asian country.
    On top of that, there's evidence Microsoft is seeking to make acquisitions in the country, though it hasn't yet landed a deal with a big name there. Several Japan-based game developers, from small to big, said it had approached them about buying their businesses. They asked not to be identified as the talks were private, and declined to give details on how the discussions went.
    When asked about potential purchases of Japanese companies, Jeremy Hinton, head of Xbox operations in Asia, said Microsoft is always open to discussions with creators that are a good fit. He said acquisitions are a possibility but there are no announcements to share at this time.

    Sony's official response

    Any suggestion that Sony is shifting its focus away from Japan is incorrect and doesn't reflect the company's strategy, spokeswoman Natsumi Atarashi said. She noted that the PlayStation 5 is launching first in Japan and said "our home market remains of utmost importance."


    submitted by /u/WMROIN
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