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    Tuesday, January 25, 2022

    Xbox 360 - Might have went a little crazy on ebay…

    Xbox 360 - Might have went a little crazy on ebay…

    Might have went a little crazy on ebay…

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 12:50 PM PST

    Recently I have found my old xbox 360, and I remembered I still had an old jailbreak, but when I connected it, nothing happened, what do I need to do for it to work?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 10:02 PM PST

    Did a photoshoot of one of my Jaspers to sell it, and came up with these.

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 06:16 AM PST

    Best controllers in 2022?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 11:00 PM PST

    I need some new controllers for my 360 and wondering whats a good controller for a decent price?

    Any advice will help

    submitted by /u/TattooedAndSad
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    Fawkes and a Mirelurk Hunter getting it on in the wasteland

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 06:52 AM PST

    Xbox does this when I put my new hard drive in. What does it mean?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 12:27 PM PST

    What model of board do I have?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 10:57 AM PST

    360 e has just started randomly turning off after a few minutes

    Posted: 25 Jan 2022 01:14 AM PST

    Just happened now 4 times in a row when idling on the dashboard. First time took maybe 8 minutes, then the next couple were about 5-6 minutes, the last was 2 minutes.

    Does this sound like a power brick fault? I hope. Don't really want to spend $40 on a new one if it's a console problem though.

    The console was manufactured in September 2015, so it's not that old and I've barely used it since I got it. It's mostly only ever been powered on for a few minutes every couple of weeks to get the Games with Gold and/or buy something. So if something in the console is dying it isn't because it's been driven hard.

    submitted by /u/Gravel_Sundae
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    Halo Infinite Original Xbox Easter Egg

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 05:06 PM PST

    My Everyday Use Frankenstein!

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 10:51 AM PST

    Anybody know where to purchase good-quality joysticks?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 05:33 PM PST

    Recently, my little brother and I have been playing on the 360 due to nostalgia in addition to the controllers, however, the controllers' joysticks have seen better days. I have a black and white controller so it'd be great if anybody could direct me towards quality joysticks for their respective colours!

    submitted by /u/sosukeaaizen
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    A new sealed Xbox 360 won't connect to Xbox Live (2022)

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 02:29 PM PST

    I bought a sealed Xbox 360 on eBay, slim version. I tried to connect to Xbox Live without success, the attempts were through the router, ethernet hair and smartphone hotspot. My fear is that Microsoft has blocked the connection of consoles that had never connected or that had not connected for a long time. I asked support on Twitter and they said there is no such block. I don't know what else to do, my last hope is to try to connect the console at a friend's house. I did the console update to the latest version via USB, but it still didn't work. Does anyone know what can be done, or if there is any general Xbox Live issue specific to the Xbox 360?

    submitted by /u/AndyRodrigues360
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    Xbox 360 sends me to menu when starting disc

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 11:06 AM PST

    How to stop upscaling from 720p to 1080p on 1440p monitor?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 07:46 PM PST

    What the title says, I'm wondering if there is a way to force my 360 to stay at 720p on my 1440p monitor so it can be a 1:4 pixel ratio and be sharper and not the type of blur you get from 1080p on 1440p.

    Or does the 360 simply support 1080p and still renders in 720p and there's nothing to worry about?

    Specifically I'm trying to play Forza Horizon 1 and 2 if that matters.

    submitted by /u/Akcman3121
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    Xbox Deals ? theft ?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 03:31 PM PST

    i notice that if you buy a digital game and then refund, you can still press download again any time at any hour. so i do wanna ask if i on purpose buy a game that works then refund out of nowhere what will happen ?

    submitted by /u/Fulger3210
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    Try to remember a game.

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 08:32 AM PST

    It was a first person game where you were a guy with like tentacles or something and your just ripped people apart.

    submitted by /u/DrawAlternative9576
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    accidentally deleted gta 5 save file

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 02:37 PM PST

    hello i have jailbroken xbox 360 i was playing gta 5 i was at 40%-45% but dumb me wanted to install mod menu i succeeded in that but accidentally deleted my main save fille i only have a 16% save file now can anyone send me save file between 40-45% on my discord plz https://discord.gg/YaqMS5GZbX to copy the file, go to xbox setting >storage>hdd>profiles move profile to usb then on pc make copy of the file send 1 to me and move yours back

    submitted by /u/IaMjaWaD4
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    Xbox 360 Slim: Grinding sound on start-up.

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 04:42 PM PST

    Curious if anyone else has had such an issue and guesses as to what it was. Sadly did not get it on film.
    It happened once (a loud "not good" grinding sound on turn-on) and I immediately shut the system back down, took out the game (no damage), unplugged it, waited 2 minutes, turned it back on.
    Sound didn't happen a second time but I think the natural hum of the system is lower, implying a slower fan-speed. Hard to tell at current, just curious if anyone else here has had a Slim make such a noise and if they knew what it was.

    All my important games and such are Disc or backed up on USB so I wouldn't lose anything but replacement money should I have to buy a 'new' 360.
    Youtube still runs perfectly. Brutal Legend, a game notable for high CPU load, seemed to stutter a little when loading chunks.

    submitted by /u/TrueWOPR
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    Sega GT/JSRF not working, (well kinda)

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 12:20 PM PST

    Aight so I'm playing on an OG white Xbox 360, testing out original Xbox BC games. Look up the list on Wikipedia for these BC games, and JSRF and Sega GT were listed separately and I have the combo disc. Sega GT and the Trailers work, but JSRF doesn't? Idk what to do here

    submitted by /u/THE_MINTY_CROUTON
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    ive never seen so many gamer pictures before

    Posted: 23 Jan 2022 11:51 AM PST

    This legit or knock-off?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 02:48 PM PST

    Weird problem with my 360

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 10:51 AM PST

    So i tried to play Beautiful katamari, and noticed that it could only start when the power cable was unplugged and disc in the drive. Then when I plug the cable and turn on the power the game could start. Also if I try to play a game with a bad disc (The game refuses to start) , take the bad disc out and insert working disc, the game won't start either. (sry for bad English)

    submitted by /u/3pl0
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    360 Hard Drive Questions

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 08:36 AM PST

    So I bought a 250 GB hard drive for my slim on eBay, and it came in the mail and it works, and there are quite a few games on the HDD like Left 4 dead 2, Minecraft, Minecraft story mode season 2, and the Walking Dead season 1 that I'd like to keep and I can access them through my normal profile that I already use, however there are quite a few profiles still on the HDD. Can I delete them, or at least the ones that don't own the games?

    Also another question can I move the profiles and games to a 128 gb usb I have temporarily, so I can format the HDD?

    submitted by /u/Jason09823
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    My 360s has just done this anyone know a fix

    Posted: 23 Jan 2022 03:54 PM PST

    The 2 Xbox 360 Slim Special Editions I’m Currently Restoring (The GOW edition is for a Friend)

    Posted: 23 Jan 2022 03:43 PM PST

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