• Breaking News

    Sunday, July 19, 2020

    Xbox 360 - Just picked up a sealed original xbox 360 wireless controller.

    Xbox 360 - Just picked up a sealed original xbox 360 wireless controller.

    Just picked up a sealed original xbox 360 wireless controller.

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 10:47 AM PDT

    Went to my local game store. Got Forza for $16. I got Kinect Adventures for free because they had a ton of copies

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 09:07 AM PDT

    Help remembering the name of a game?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 07:07 PM PDT

    Hello friends! I am an Xbox 360 enthusiast, and for whatever reason, even though I have not played my Xbox 360 in a few years, today I've been thinking about a game that I played on it.

    The game is about cats, it's a 2D platformer, and you jump around each carefully designed level and puzzle.

    It's done in the cartoon style.

    I couldn't tell you why I've been thinking about this game, but it's killing me that I can't remember the name of it! It would be really cool if the game has since been ported to mobile, because it is definitely a great game and it is definitely capable of being on mobile devices.

    I hope my hints were enough! Any help is greatly appreciated! Thank you so much in advance!

    submitted by /u/heyitsj0n
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    Download speed is awfully slow on WiFi. What else can I try?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 11:28 AM PDT

    As title stated, internet is way too slow (>0.5 Mbps download speed), and it's only on X360. Any other device, including the PS4 that was in the same place, works fine.

    I tried restarting the modem, changing DNS, reconnecting, looking for firewall settings on my modem, but I got nowhere. Any ideas on what else can I try?

    I'm pretty much locked out of the store because of that and can't buy any games for it. (And no, unfortunately connecting via cable is not an option, otherwise would've done that already)

    I also tried connecting to a hotspot from my phone's internet, and it was incredibly faster than my WiFi.

    submitted by /u/TheyUsedToCallMeJack
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    Error 807B-0194 while trying to update Saints Row: 2

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 04:24 AM PDT

    Hi. I'm having an error while trying to update Saints Row: 2

    The full error code is 4497-0000-D080-0200-807B-0194

    • I've already tried to delete system cache with no result
    • Free space on device is 21.5GB
    • I'm on a unmodded xbox 360 slim
    • There are several contents marked with the yellow exclamation mark on the Game & Apps section of the storage but all of them are associated with other titles.

    Any ideas?

    I'm sorry if this is not the appropriate sub. Thanks in advance ^^

    submitted by /u/Luigi003
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    I’m a PlayStation & Nintendo user. Considering the XSX. Found Splinter Cell Convinction this weekend for $1.60. I love the idea of backwards compatibility. Now I have all Splinter Cells but need a XSX to play this one lol.

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 08:42 PM PDT

    Figured that this was causing the rattling sound my xbox was making when it ran games. Any way to tighten the fan? Could I put superglue to keep the center of it stuck on one side?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 01:59 PM PDT

    Im looking for a game

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 06:34 PM PDT

    I used to play this game I think it was one of the indie games and it had like a bunch of mini games in it the ones I can remember are a Pac-Man and a Hannibal lecter one can anyone help me find it

    submitted by /u/MarveInerd
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    Fight Night Round 4 (Xbox 360) - Gaming the Pandemic: Day 118

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 03:40 PM PDT

    Going toe-to-toe with today's title from my 526 game backlog - I'm playing one every day while furloughed from work...

    Fight Night Round 4 for the Xbox 360

    Previous days' entries can be found HERE.

    It's not so much of an issue today, but for years collecting, and even just playing, video games was a pastime that came with a certain amount of stigma attached.

    But even when the chances of a 'nerd alert' were at their highest, I've always had the same piece of advice for other gaming enthusiasts: Tell everyone you know that you're into this stuff.

    Over the years, friends and colleagues have offloaded onto me thousands of pounds worth of hardware and software that, to them, is worthless. Rather than sending a load of metal and plastic to landfill, people often take pleasure from giving this stuff to a good home.

    This is how I came to have Fight Night Round 4. I would otherwise never have considered owning or playing a 'serious' boxing game, but when an old work colleague offered me a stack of 360 games this was among them, and I wasn't about to say no.

    Back on the PS1, I played ISS Pro Evo 2 so often, and for so long, that I was able to play the career mode from scratch, and build that rag tag bunch of stragglers into a team of world class superstars without ever losing a game. With the team I'd created by the end, usually consisting of players like Shevshenko, Badandiga, Veron, and Roberto Carlos, I was scoring over 100 goals a season and conceding a tenth of that.

    It was this game mode, the Master League mode, that was the reason Fifa, with it's licensed teams, stadiums, and soundtrack could never touch ISS as a single player game. And it was also this that cemented my love for career modes in sports games, and why I made a bee-line for Legacy mode when I fired up Fight Night Round 4.

    The last boxing game I played was Ready to Rumble Round 2 on the Dreamcast, a game which has literally nothing in common with this. Where R2RR2 is a cartoon slugfest, FNR4 aims for realism, and the main way it goes for this is with a keen focus on the defensive side of pugilism.

    In training in particular, blocking, dodging, and parrying are rewarded well, and in the fights counterpunching has proven, for me at least, by far the most effective tactic. Even the points that are allocated to your corner-man to patch you up between rounds are biased towards defence, with perhaps only accuracy being valued more highly.

    It would be fanciful to suggest this game is hyper-realistic, but what it does offer is a really enjoyable balance between unleashing a satisfying haymaker, and picking off your opponent with point scoring jabs - while simultaneously forcing them to miss with good head movement and defence.

    It's not an easy task to make these elements all equally satisfying, but this game manages it brilliantly, and with the level of audio visual quality you would expect from a headline EA franchise. The graphics are often brutally detailed, with a lovely slow-mo instant replay to really bring home the impact of your most devastating blows. Unfortunately, the music is mostly a predictable brand of super-commercial hip-hop, but the sound effects make up for it and the commentary, although occasionally repetitive, is very well put together..

    All in all Fight Night Round 4 a very polished product that's a joy to play. I've read that the online servers have been turned off, so it's more relevant than ever that the Legacy mode is such a great package all by itself. One of the things I'm enjoying most about this 'create a fighter' mode, is that I'm improving in the game as I get more practice, and at the same time my fighter is improving with the training and fights. It's a genuinely satisfying journey for us both.

    Fight Night Round 4 - A surprisingly thoughtful rendition of the noble art.

    submitted by /u/-JaguarWong-
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    Freaking piece of crap won’t let me wipe it

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 02:19 PM PDT

    Cant join matches online

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 11:51 AM PDT

    So I recently just bought another 360 for nostalgia reasons and I can't join other sessions online for some reason, but I can play online perfectly on my Xbox One, and can play backwards compatible games online fine on my Xbox One also. The errors I get relate to "session not found" even though I can see many joinable sessions on whichever game I try. Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/jjbinks4
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    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 11:20 AM PDT

    I was thinking of selling my xbox 360 E,500gb,kinect and mw2. How much can I sell this for?

    submitted by /u/Loserplay3
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    So my hard drive isn't working?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 09:59 AM PDT

    So for a couple games (skylanders Giants and forza horizon 1) My hard drive says it has game data saved but then in the actual game there isn't any progress on it?

    submitted by /u/JackEAG
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    Hey this is my first post on this subreddit.

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 07:44 AM PDT

    I've had an xbox for a year an a half but I've noticed it was feeling rather hot, is there any good way to help it not get as hot as it is? If you want to know how hot it is getting, I cant keep my hand on it for more than 5 seconds, it doesn't burn but I would like to know if that is bad or normal nor what not.

    submitted by /u/jamesdaoneandolny
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    Which 360 is the smallest

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 07:03 AM PDT

    Is it the S or the E

    submitted by /u/PsVitaIsGood
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    Anyone up to play PGR 3?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 06:48 AM PDT

    How many people are there on each Xbox 360 online server?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 05:29 AM PDT

    I'm considering getting 360 online pass- is there a tracker of each game server?

    How many people are playing advanced warfare in the evenings or during the day? How many are playing modern warfare?

    Are they seasoned pros who will pwn me the minute I step onto the server? (I completed campaign on heroic but I died a lot)

    submitted by /u/GreyscaleSunset
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    Roblox on xbox 360??

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 05:23 AM PDT

    My little dude (5) wants an Xbox to play Roblox.

    I don't want to by an Xbox One because they are discontinued.

    Can he play Roblox on an old Xbox 360 until I can get him and Xbox X?


    submitted by /u/DisneyJohnny
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