• Breaking News

    Sunday, June 13, 2021

    Xbox 360 - The more things change the more they stay the same.

    Xbox 360 - The more things change the more they stay the same.

    The more things change the more they stay the same.

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 09:50 AM PDT

    Still adding, grabbed today at a swap meet. Head coach & GH are sealed.

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 05:24 PM PDT

    Anyone know how to fix? I know this is backwards compatible

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 07:13 PM PDT

    I get all of this for free on Saturday!!

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 05:57 PM PDT

    I get 2 free Xbox slims and alot of controllers!!

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 04:25 PM PDT

    Hey ive got a question

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 08:44 PM PDT

    I was playing cod ghosts and I was in a hacked lobby and I backed out as soon as possible and I'm wondering if I won't get in trouble or not

    submitted by /u/JUSTKIDDING205
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    Heard lots of good thing about this game. It was not easy to find but But I’m happy to add this in the collection!

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 04:24 PM PDT

    Best Live Stream Ever! Diablo 3 Quest Queen Araneae!

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 08:52 PM PDT

    LOL how do I syncs xbox 360 controllers

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 04:40 PM PDT

    Can’t log into Xbox 360

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 11:30 AM PDT

    So I'm having this issue with my log in. I know my email snd password is correct because I used it to sign into the Microsoft.com with no issues. I get the error codes 8015D000 and 8015D002. I have tried clearing the cache but that didn't help. If anyone has any advice on how to fix this please let me know.

    submitted by /u/Magita91
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    Can anyone please explain to me the difference between the red ring of death on the older 360 consoles and the red dot of death on the slim and the E models?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 04:17 PM PDT

    Xbox Showcase Post Show E3 2021

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 06:53 PM PDT

    Best 360 Setup?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 06:10 PM PDT

    So like a lot of other posters this week, my old 360 slim died--RDOD (red dot of death, error 0021, if I recall). I was pretty close to getting an Xbox One, but my kids love the Kinect feature and games on the 360. I bought a used 360 slim off eBay (manufactured 2012; mine was 2013), and I'm wondering if people have advice about how to set it up for the maximum possible longevity.

    We kept the old one on its side, which I don't think did that much to increase the heat, but maybe it did, so this one is horizontal. But I'm wondering if anyone has advice about whether it's best to play games off the disk, off the console, off a USB drive, off an installed (official) hard drive, or whether one of those old laptop dual fans beneath the console would help. With basic usage--just switching games to the new machine--the temperature above the top vent was 135 degrees (85-90 on the side vents), so heat is a concern.

    I did buy a Squaretrade warranty, but it's not so much the money as having the machine last another few years.

    Any advice is appreciated, and hopefully this will be of help to anyone else whose 360 crashed of late and has had to get a new one.

    submitted by /u/AskJeevesBeta
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    3 copies of Minecraft, 2 immaculate, none work?!?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 10:28 AM PDT

    We bought a used XBox 360 Slim, and it came with 2 copies of Minecraft. 1 got scratched immediately bouncing around in the disc slot; the other was their "bad" copy, though it looks perfect. Neither ever worked.

    We bought another used copy, along with a few other games in a bundle, and this other copy also looks perfect. Same error!

    Every single disc we have put into this XBox works fine - except Minecraft!!!

    We even brought a copy into a local gaming store to have them recondition it, and that made no difference. We've cleared the system cache, turned it off, waited 5 minutes...nothing. I'm at my wits end here!

    How can an XBox read all of our other discs just fine, but with this one game it's constantly giving an "Unrecognized Disc" error? (03-57-00)

    submitted by /u/Mauve_Unicorn
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    I just got a physical copy of the orange box for 6$! Talk about lifetime offers!

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 02:11 PM PDT

    Last nights haul!

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 10:18 AM PDT

    Xbox 360 doesn't recognize original HDD

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 03:54 PM PDT

    Hello i bought an old xbox 360 elite but the hdd (the one which you put on top of the console) is not getting recognized i restarted many times with and without the hard drive. However when i put the hard drive off while the console is turned on (stupid thing to do i know) the console is turning off so does it somehow recognize it?? When i go to storage its says no hard drive found...

    submitted by /u/Shaakura
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    Best system link games

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 02:54 PM PDT

    Hi everyone. Recently obtained another 360 so ended up digging out my old one. Combined with my brother in laws 360 we have recently delved head first into the world of System Link (LAN) gaming on the 360.

    Finding that some games are much more complicated to set up than others. Having real trouble and can't get Dead Island COOP to work but having a blast with gears 3 and halo 3.

    Can you recommend your favourite system link games? I know L4D is high up there.

    submitted by /u/NoFantasy
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    In Mafia 3 can I lower my convertible roof

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 12:48 PM PDT

    Why is my 360 slim so loud playing certain games?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 08:56 AM PDT

    This has only happened with 2 games so far out of at least a dozen, Fallout 3 and Deadrising 2. One is an NTSC and another is a PAL game that play fine on my PAL 360, it's just that the noise is an issue. Any idea why this is happening and how to fix it?

    submitted by /u/hairy_bipples
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    No picture when playing DVDs

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 11:39 AM PDT

    I have the Xbox 360 S (250gb model), whenever I put a DVD in, I can hear the sound, but theres no video. This doesn't happen with anything else. Does anyone know how to fix this?

    submitted by /u/KiritoTheWastelander
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