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    Thursday, November 26, 2020

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    Xbox One - Happy Thanksgiving 2020 ��‍♂️

    Happy Thanksgiving 2020 ��‍♂️

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 08:34 AM PST

    I have joined the Xbox family

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 08:57 PM PST

    Makes Sense

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 08:56 AM PST

    How good is Gamepass? A quantitative analysis of 382 Gamepass games

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 01:31 AM PST

    How good is Gamepass? A quantitative analysis of 382 Gamepass games

    TL:DR for people in a rush

    • After deduplication*, there are a total of 382 unique Game Pass games, out of which 43 can only be played on PC;
    • The average Metacritic score of all GP games (PC+Console) is 77.9. The median Metacritic score of all GP games is 79;
    • 44.5% of all Gamepass games (170/382) are 80+ Metacritic (which will be my criteria for "good" here). 17.5% of all Gamepass games (67/382) are 85+ Metacritic;
    • 38% of GP games are indies**. Indies actually weigh down the total MC score (Indies MC=76.27, non-Indies MC=78.79). There are 47 "good" Indies and 123 "good" non-Indies on Gamepass (PC+Xbox);
    • Xbox GP is currently better value than PC GP if you have to choose, since it gives you more "good" games (148 versus 86) worth more money if you were to buy them*** (€2,589 vs €2,046). This will change next month as EA Play PC gets added;
    • If you have Xbox GP, getting a PC brings you 22 additional "good" games (+14.8%) that you wouldn't be able to play otherwise (this does not take into account games that are better on PC);
    • 75.1% of GP Games are from the Xbox One Generation, the rest split between 360, OG and PC;
    • Adding EA Play games actually increased the overall offer's Metascore since EA Play games have an average MC of 78.38.
    • It would cost you €3,203.84 to buy all 80+ games of GamePass today, taking into account the current Black Friday sale. That's the equivalent of over 20 years of Gamepass Ultimate subscription. It would cost you €1,329.76 to buy all 85+ games (over 8 years of GPU).

    Detailed Analysis

    So I noticed there was no recent data on Gamepass and decided to create my own. I started by deduplicating the games from the main lists and pulled out the MC score and price for each of the games. I hope this will be useful for people on the fence.

    How good are those games?


    Metacritic distribution shows a few trends:

    • Most games are in the "green" MC zone, and slightly less than half of games are over 80 MC (170/382 or 44.5%);
    • 27% of GP games are in the yellow or below zone. Note that this includes games that launched weak but became popular later, like Sea of Thieves (69), Rainbow Six Siege (74) or Ark (69). The rest is junk;
    • Less than 10% of games are not rated, either because they are early access or are indies which did not get reviewed enough times to get an MC score;
    • There are 20 90+ games in the list, out of which 11 are XBO generation, 7 are 360 generation and the rest is PC (2).


    Another view, this time showing the stats per main platform (games available on both are considered XB). PC has a better ratio of 80+ but a lower ratio of 85+ and 90+.

    How are those games split by platform?


    XBO is by far the leading platform for GP games (75%), which imo is a shame as there are many OG and 360 games that were part of the BC program and are missing from the platform. It seems Microsoft was afraid of the service being seen as focusing on old games.

    After XBO, the second largest contributor is the 360 generation (13.1%) followed by PC (11.3%) and OG Xbox (0.5%).

    EA Play contributes 60% of all Xbox 360 games on the service (27/45)!

    How much do indies matter in Gamepass?

    Indies represent 38% of Gamepass games, so liking indies is a big factor in how much you will enjoy it. Indies weigh the MC score down (average 76.3, median 77) compared to non-indie games (average 78.8, median 80). Indies are only 27.6% of the "good" games however.

    Indies are also over-represented in the PC-only part of Gamepass, where they account for almost half of the games.

    In my opinion, this ratio is going to either be maintained or increase as it is a lot cheaper to add indies to the catalog compared to AA or AAA games.

    How much does first party matter in Gamepass?

    Now this is where it gets really complicated when it comes to Microsoft, as their 1st party landscape is changing all the time. I decided not to make retroactively first party the games from studios that MS bought after they were out (so no Doom Eternal, Dishonored 2 but The Outer Worlds is in). Remember that when talking about MS, first party does not mean exclusive or even console exclusive.

    Based on the calculation I used, there are 53 first party games currently on Gamepass (13.9% of total games) with an average MC score of 79.5 and median MC score of 81.

    So the short answer is: not very much, although it contributes overall better games than the average of Gamepass.

    What is the synergy between PC and Xbox Gamepass?

    There are 177 games that you can play on Xbox but not on PC, out of which 83 are good (47%). There are 43 games that you can play on PC but not on Xbox, out of which 22 are good (51%). So it makes more sense to also use an Xbox if you are on PC than the other way around at the time being.

    The main PC exclusive games are MS first party PC games (Age of Empires, Flight Simulator, Rise of Nations), Paradox games (Crusader Kings, Hearts of Iron, etc) and Amplitude/SEGA games (Endless series, Football Manager) so there's a bias for strategy and sim games. Whether it's worth it depends on your affinity for that genre as the rest is mostly indie games.

    Here's a summary of the stats for each of those subcategory (a game can be part of multiple subcategories):

    Average MC for subcategories

    Additional notes

    There may be a few mistakes here and there since the data was collected with a mix of scripts and manual work, but those shouldn't impact the overall scores too much considering the size of the set. Also you may not agree with my classification.

    *Methodology for deduplication:

    • Games that exist on both Xbox and PC are using the Xbox version for Metacritic score and price and are not counted as two different games. This choice comes from the fact that people are more likely to be Console GP primarily;
    • Games that are part of another game (for example Halo CE as part of Halo MCC) are not counted separately.
    • Games that are duplicates or components of another game (Gears 5 vs Gears 5 Ultimate, Walking Dead series individual chapters) are not counted separately.
    • Games that have yearly releases (FIFA, NHL etc) are NOT deduplicated, so they are counted as separate games. This is because in my opinion they cannot be considered as clones from each other (some may disagree though).
    • Deduplicated that way, you reach a total of 382 games.
    • Games that will leave at the end of this month are not removed.

    Methodology for Metascore

    • Xbox Score if available, else PC Score, else PS4 Score, else Switch or other device Score.

    **Regarding indies, the criteria for Indies has become blurry as not many games are independently published anymore. I tried to stick with the main criteria of "not developed by a large developer" and "sold for less than €30" but even so you may not agree with some of my classification.

    submitted by /u/Chukkroot
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    This Xbox I picked up a couple centuries ago

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 02:03 PM PST

    Folk horror vibes in AC: Valhalla

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 03:01 PM PST

    That doesn't feel like a discount.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 05:19 PM PST

    Please make The Matrix: Path of Neo backward compatible!

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 04:08 PM PST

    since cyberpunk was announced. wow...

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 10:23 PM PST

    Hoping to get an Xbox in the morning wish me luck guys!

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 06:03 PM PST

    Heading out at 4 to wait in line at my local gamestop I'm really hoping they got them in for black Friday.

    submitted by /u/Thekin-g
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    MK 11 : Aftermath is awesome!

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 06:14 PM PST

    Bought this today from the black Friday sale and it's just great. It's like a road trip film featuring mortal kombat characters. I just love it and bringing back Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa as Shang Tsung is amazing.

    I don't know if you played MK11 before but the story mode on this game is like a damn movie. Seeing these characters do their special moves in cutscenes is a stroke of gory genius.

    submitted by /u/ArchDucky
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    It only took 7 years... but I did it!

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 12:28 AM PST

    Never bought an external hard drive . Buying one for a friend. Can you save more games with this ?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 03:21 PM PST

    60fps in Valhalla is honestly incredible..

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 09:50 AM PST

    Got the update on Series S today and I'm fine with sacrificing a bit of resolution. Game still looks great but runs like butter. So happy for this update! Hopefully the S continues to get 60fps options in games going forward..

    submitted by /u/Karlssens65_
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    GreedFall coming to Xbox Series.and possible Gamepass PC.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 09:47 AM PST

    WTF Moon Studios, you made me cry on my birthday. Not cool dude.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 04:06 AM PST

    GPU Trial Code

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 11:40 AM PST

    Should I play the Bioshock games?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 09:02 AM PST

    I'm thinking about getting the bio shock collection, are the games really that good and do they have a good story?

    submitted by /u/Connor__mm
    [link] [comments]

    Watch Dogs Legion: PlayStation 5 vs Xbox Series X/ Series S - Graphics, ...

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 06:59 AM PST

    Costco selling Watch Dogs Legion $24.99 Til 11/30/2020

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 07:01 AM PST

    Game Perks that I don't need.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 08:19 AM PST

    Metro Exodus To Get Free Enhanced Update For XSX | XSS & PS5 with Ray-Tracing, Resolution, FPS & Load Time Upgrade

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 09:35 PM PST

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